Saturday, November 7, 2020

Setting the "Default" App for Email and Web Browsing

My latest iPhone Friday video - setting default apps for email and web browser in the new iOS 14. More here: 

Emoji Search - What's New Wednesday.

From - This one is simple and fun. If you really want to be cool (and who doesn’t?) with you type messages, you’ll want to be sure to use those little smiley-faces and other symbols to add some life to your text. They’re called “emojis” and can show all sorts of emotions (hence the name), but lots, lots more as well.

Over time, the collection of emojis has expanded. Starting with simple faces, thumbs up / down, and a few stars and unicorns, there are now literally hundreds of emojis you can use to spice up your messages.

And our iPhones and iPads tried - and sometimes failed hilariously - to help. As you type a message or email, ever notice how the keyboard will “suggest” an emoji for you? Sometimes it’s exactly what you want to say. Other times, not so much. 

Yet another upgrade in the latest iOS 14 software will now make it easier to find exactly the emoji you want, to say and express exactly what you have on your mind. You can now search for emojis directly on your keyboard and then easily insert them into your message. 

In this video, I’ll show you how to find all those emojis, how to search for exactly the one you want, and how to insert it into your message. This new feature is guaranteed to take your emoji game up to the next level, as the kids would say. 

Best of all, it’s easy, and can be used in virtually any app that allows you to insert emojis; text messages, emails, social media posts and lots, lots more. Check it out! 

Don’t forget: You can get a free weekly "Recap" email telling you all about the past week's videos, and a link to download the free "class handout" to show you exactly how to do it what we show on the videos (usually the iPhone Friday video, but sometimes both the weekly videos have handouts.) 

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