Monday, March 23, 2015

Episode 6 - Sheila Callaham... Writer, Coach and Corporate "Escapee"

The latest edition of the Unlimited Perspectives podcast is now on the air! This episode features an interview with Sheila Callaham, along with an exciting new feature or two (more on those in a moment.)

Callaham worked for a major U.S. corporation, making major money and enjoying major benefits, yet she came to realize that world and lifestyle was not for her. With careful planning and powerful connection to her family, she quit her "day job" to move into the life that she had real passion for - that of  a writer. As of this post, Sheila has written seven books - both fiction and non-fiction - and she works as a life coach and mentor to other up-and-coming coaches as well.

In the interview with Unlimited Perspectives, Callaham talks about listening to - and trusting - your inner voice of wisdom and guidance. She talks about the power of using your words to confirm and affirm who you wish to be in this world. "If you want to be a writer, call yourself a writer. If you want to be an artist, call yourself an artist, starting now."

In addition to the Callaham interview, this edition of the powerful self-help Unlimited Perspectives podcast features a new "nugget" of wisdom, something we're calling a "Big idea in a little bit of time." We're taking some of the best quotes and ideas from previous (and future) interviews on the podcast, and putting them out in bite-sized form. Something to think about and integrate into your week.

Also - and this is super-exciting - the Unlimited Perspectives podcast now has its own phone number! Our listeners can call in any time and leave a message of any kind; a comment, suggestion or question. If you have a particular area of self-help or personal development you'd like to hear more about, feel free to leave a message! Check out website: for the number. We look forward to hearing from you.

Here's the link to the new podcast episode and related show notes:

Remember, you can also subscribe to the show through iTunes, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. That way, you'll never miss the latest episode of the show! 

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