Sunday, July 10, 2022

iPhone Friday - Creating Reminders from Email Messages

From Today's video combines two of the most-used iPhone / iPad apps - Mail and Reminders - and shows you how turn an email into an iPhone (or iPad) Reminder, complete with due-date and time. For me, I get lots of email messages that I need to be "reminded" of at a later date (or time). Stuff like doctors' appointments, car repairs and lots more usually show up in my inbox several days before the actual event. With this technique, you can turn any email into a reminder that will - you guessed it - remind you of the event before it happens. This technique has absolutely saved my bacon many times! Unfortunately, Apple's built-in email app on the iPhone and iPad does not include the "Share Sheet" function that's found in so many other apps. (Why is that, Apple? Can we get some software guys working on this ASAP?) However, that doesn't mean we still can't "send" an email message to the reminders app for future reference. There's at least one good workaround, which we'll show you in this video. Even better, when you create a Reminder using this technique, the actual reminder entry in the Reminders app includes a clickable / tappable link that opens up the original email, right in the Email app. Again, very useful and helpful. As always, if you watch this video and still have more questions, or have a good idea for a future video of something you’d like to learn about your iPhone or iPad, please leave a comment below. I read and personally respond to all of them. Also, be sure to check out my blog, for all past videos, including the iPhone Friday and iPhone / iPad Monday Minute series. You can also sign up for the blog newsletter, so you don’t miss out on any future videos. Thanks for watching! If you know anyone who might benefit from this or any of our other videos, please feel free to share it with them.

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